Should I Give My Cat a Bath?

Bathing a cat is so cruel, right? What if, for instance, your indoor-outdoor cat decides to play with a skunk or roll around in some dead animal's remains? Are you going to bathe your cat, or are you going to kick the cat out of the house until the smell goes away? Good luck with that smell going away on its own!

Yes, cats do, indeed, need occasional baths, but they do need baths more often if they're hairless cats. Hairless cats require weekly to biweekly baths to keep their skin clean and healthy. What is the reason for that? Obviously, they don't have hair, and fur is what helps separate oils from the skin. Quite the contrary, hairless cats require much more grooming than your average domestic kitties.

So, back to the first question. What if your cat gets tangled up with a skunk? Are you going to disown your fur baby? I would hope not! But, boy, oh boy, how in the heck do you bathe a cat, when most of them can't even tolerate being immersed in water? There truly is a simple solution. It's called a "mesh cat grooming bag," which can also be used to trim your cat's claws (that will come in a later blog post). 

The best place to find this item is online from a reputable seller. I recommend visiting 1healthypet to find this item. Not only is this item for sale, but there are plenty of other items available to keep your cats happy. 

See the video illustrating multiple uses by clicking on the following YouTube link:


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